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Housekeeper in Cowansville, Canada, Seeks Housekeeper Job.Julie-Anne's Housekeeper Profile 2381295

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  • 44-ani Femeie
  • canadian
  • Trăiesc în Canada
  • Are pașaport pentru Canada
  • Nu are viză


  • 10+ ani de experiență plătită
  • 13-16 ani de educație
  • Îngrijirea sugarului este calificată
  • Instruire de prim ajutor
  • Înotător
  • Permis de conducere valabil
  • Referințe disponibile

Contactați Julie-Anne L.

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I hope the whole family is doing well, I do.


My name is Julie-Anne , I'm 32, I am living in Airdrie, Alberta since 6 months. I was born in Quebec, Canada. I really love life. I am grateful for what she offers me and makes me discover. I am a positive young woman, honest, patient, spontaneous, dynamic, friendly and attentive. I love children and I want to be in their presence and to take care of them. We learn a lot of children, but we also learn from them and I think we learn about ourselves. It's a good way to keep the spirit alive, young and creative. I think that three essentials values to give to kids are: self esteem, respect and autonomy. And to succeed, they need a significative person who will care about them, who will give love and security. I'm this person. I like talking with them, listen, encourage them, understand them. Children need to feel loved, respected, understood. They want to be interested to them, their interests. I like doing differents activities with kids; playing outside (sports), reading stories, music, crafts, team games, pretending games, cooking.... I have so many ideas and I want to follow the children's ideas, also.

In 2001, was my first experience with children. I worked as an animator in a day camp with a group of 15 children aged 11-12 years. I loved this experience and all our days we spent on the outside, we had great activities for children ... Subsequently, I worked in a family environment, I replaced a maternity leave for 5 months. I had to take care of a group of 6 children of different ages. After these two experiences, I decided to take a course called: Technical Education for Children, Cégep de Granby, Qc, Canada. I took courses at night while I worked day in day care. I worked a lot on call and got a replacement for a period of three years in the same place, the Centre for Early Childhood Buissonnière. I worked with children between 0-5 years. I loved this daycare, she shared good values, the environment there was very pleasant, both for children than for employees. In January 2010, I renewed my first aid course and is good for a period of three years.

Working with children, I develop qualities that I had forgotten I possessed; imagination, creativity, do not be afraid of ridicule, being in the moment ... For three years I no longer work with children and I miss it. I would like very much to live this experience with Your family Because i would llike to realize three dreams In the same time. I want to become biligual, I want being with children and to discover all beauties in this wolrd. I can speak french to your children, if you want. I speak french very well and I learning my english. My english is improving greatly and I am open to comments (help) to make it better.
In september 2010, I went, alone, in France for one month and I did the (Harvest), I picked for the grapes the wine and the rest of the travel, I travelled in the country. It's was amazing.

I am a woman who loves the outdoors, nature and all related activities. I love hiking, camping, kayaking, swimming, campfires, volleyball, cycling, snowboarding ... I like making patches outside, gardening, mow the lawn, raking leaves, shoveling snow ... I'm doing very well in a house. Since the age of 21 years that I'm home, so I am aware of responsibilities to perform. I am responsible, resourceful, respectful and I like helping.

Since august 2011, I am living and working in Airdrie, Alberta. I am the nanny of a beautiful girl. She has almost 21 months. I am living with the family. I am flexible also. My contract ends in August 2012, so I will be available in September 2012, because I want to come back in Quebec for one month, for seeing my family. But, if you want me for another job that nanny, I would like to try, also. (Housekeeper, or personal assistant...).

I'd like to mention that all my documents are ready for obtention a visa, apart from, obtaining an employment contract with the family that I will be destiny. An employment contract is required in terms of obtaining a visa.


Have a nice day and take care of you.
Thanks, Julie-Anne

Experiență menajeră

Am 10 ani de experiență plătită cu următoarele
Înlăturarea mansardei Colectați poștă Spălătorie
Rulează Errands Curățarea subsolului Bucate
Curatarea cuptorului Set sisteme de alarmă Curățarea băilor
Tratamentul mobilierului Ambalare și dezambalare Lustruirea suprafețelor
Schimbarea patului Curățenie generală a camerei Îngrijire / curățare animale de companie
Spalarea peretilor Curățarea cabinetului Magazin alimentar / Stoc
Curățarea geamurilor Curățarea covoarelor Ședință de casă
Îngrijirea plantelor Munca in gradina Spălarea mașinii
Curățarea bucătăriei Curățarea frigiderului
Am experiență cu aceste tipuri de proprietăți
apartamente Mansions Case unifamiliale
Dormitoare Spatiu de birouri Townhomes
Am următoarele abilități sau certificări
Bonded Asigurat Autorizat
Certificarea Asociației de curățare a casei

Cerințe menajere

Îmi pun la dispoziție propriile mele livrări (detergenți etc.)

Ofer echipamentul meu (vid, etc)

Sunt disponibil pentru următoarele tipuri de vizite
Vizite de zi Perioade prelungite Perioade de noapte
Case de vacanță Drop-In-uri Live-In
Locuință temporară


Disponibil 2024 aprilie - 2024 mai
Caută cu normă întreagă, în direct
Negociabil / săpt
Sunt disponibil în termen scurt
Ultima conectare la 03 apr 2024
Membru din 29 aprilie 2011
Stil de viață
Sănătate excelentă
Non fumător
Niciuna - mănânc totul
Fără tatuaje
Nu piercing-uri

Preferințe de potrivire

Va lucra pentru fumători
Confortabil cu animale de companie
Dorind să călătorească în întreaga lume pentru muncă
Țări preferate:
  • Nici unul
Orașe preferate:
  • - Montreal
Naționalități preferate:
  • Nici unul

Partajează profilul

Vitrina Premium

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Poziția este: Live-in sau live-out, 40 ore / săptămână


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